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Earnings call: Terna reports robust growth and confirms 2024 outlook

Terna also highlighted the authorization of the Adriatic Link project and the financing agreement for the Tyrrhenian Link project. The company's revenue and EBITDA rose by 20% and 26% respectively, while net income saw a 34% increase to €268 million. Group capital expenditures (CapEx) were up 53% at €483 million, and net debt was reported at €10.6 billion.

Key Takeaways

  • Terna's investments for its 2024-2028 industrial plan have increased by 65% to €16.5 billion.

  • The company authorized the Adriatic Link project and secured financing for the Tyrrhenian Link project.

  • Two successful bond issues were launched: a fixed-rate bond and a hybrid green perpetual bond, each worth €850 million.

  • Terna reported a 20% increase in revenues and a 26% rise in EBITDA, with net income growing by 34% to €268 million.

  • The company confirmed its 2024 financial guidance, reflecting confidence in its business strategy.

Company Outlook

  • Terna has confirmed its financial guidance for 2024 based on strong performance in the first quarter.

  • The company's strategic investments are aimed at enhancing grid resilience and energy continuity.

Bearish Highlights

  • No specific bearish highlights were mentioned in the earnings call summary.

Bullish Highlights

  • Strong growth in all profit and loss (P&L) lines, indicating robust financial health.

  • Successful bond issues reflect positive market confidence and demand for Terna's financial instruments.