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All three major U.S. stock index futures turned higher, European stocks narrowed their losses, crude oil turned lower, and Shanghai copper futures hit a new high in 2006.

On Friday, April 19, tensions in the Middle East escalated, and global risk assets fell for a time, but market tensions have eased. All three major U.S. stock index futures turned higher, safe-haven assets such as the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen fell, and crude oil turned lower.

Viraj Patel, global macro strategist at Vanda Research, said:

As we learn more about the details of overnight events, the initial risk-off reaction is beginning to reverse. But even without an escalation, mixed earnings this week and geopolitical headwinds are catalysts for stock unwinding.

Quick overview of real-time updates on the situation between Iraq and Israel:

According to the Global Times, US Secretary of State Blinken remained tight-lipped and refused to comment on the "Israeli attack on Iran"

Asked about reports of an Israeli attack on Iran, Blinken said the United States was not involved in any attack but would not confirm it, other media reported. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani told reporters on Friday after a meeting of the Group of Seven foreign ministers that the United States was notified of the attack on Iran at the last minute but played no role in it.

According to CCTV News at 15:54, the Lebanese National News Agency reported on April 19 that the town of Aita al-Shaab in the border area in southern Lebanon was hit by an Israeli air strike that day. It is reported that Israeli military aircraft launched two air-to-surface missiles at a building in the town. The number of casualties is currently unknown.

Shanghai copper futures hit the 80,000 yuan/ton mark, once rising by more than 1%, setting a new high since 2006.

All three major U.S. stock index futures turned higher.

European stocks also narrowed their losses, with the European Stoxx 50 index falling 0.36%, after falling nearly 1% previously.

Crude oil turned lower, with Brent crude oil and WTI crude oil both falling by about 0.7%.

The U.S. dollar index fell below the 106 mark.

S&P 500 futures turned higher after falling as much as 1.7%. Dow futures and Nasdaq 100 futures were close to turning higher.

U.S. stock futures lower, individual stocks generally lower in premarket

U.S. stock futures were lower, with Dow futures down 0.06%, S&P 500 futures down 0.06%, and Nasdaq 100 futures slightly up 0.01%.

Most stocks fell before the market opened. Netflix fell nearly 6% before the market opened, announcing that it would stop reporting quarterly subscriber numbers.

TSMC fell 2.39%. The company lowered its revenue growth forecast for the chip industry, saying that demand for traditional servers is still relatively weak, and its forecast for automotive chips has also changed from "growth" to "recession" in the previous quarter.

Tesla fell 1.7%. Nvidia fell nearly 1%. Amazon fell more than 1%.

Chinese concept stocks Ideal fell more than 6%, Xpeng Motors fell 3.6%, Weilai fell nearly 3%, and Alibaba fell nearly 1%.

The U.S. stock market ended the week on a down note after solid economic data and hawkish Federal Reserve speech reinforced speculation that U.S. interest rates will be "higher and longer." With earnings season in full swing, traders are now looking to corporate results to support a rebound. Some analysts pointed out that caution will dominate in the next few days, and it is best to be prepared for further declines before the economic data is released next week.

European index fell collectively, Stoxx 600 fell for three consecutive weeks

European stock indexes fell collectively. The Stoxx 600 index fell 0.7%, falling for the third consecutive week. The German DAX index fell more than 1%, the French CAC40 index fell 0.75%, the British FTSE 100 index fell 0.64%, and the European Stoxx 50 index fell by more than 1%. The index fell 0.9%.

Crude oil gives up gains

Crude oil gave up gains, with Brent oil and WTI rising slightly, rising as much as 3.5% in early trading. Brent crude had surged above $90 a barrel on concerns that a wider conflict could jeopardize supplies.

Dollar, Japanese yen retreat from gains

The U.S. dollar index is erasing earlier gains, with USD/JPY trading higher at 154.42.

Citi previously pointed out that when investors' risk aversion sentiment rises rapidly, gold and the yen may be better hedging options. The most effective hedging tools are usually those whose market positioning is biased in the "wrong" direction. Shorting the U.S. dollar in the current environment Against the yen it might be a better bet.

Goods rose across the board

Lunni rose 4.00% during the day and is now trading at US$19,290.00 per ton. Lunxi rose nearly 3%, while Lun aluminum and Lun zinc rose more than 1%.